Ornamentals Indoor/outdoor

We’ll provide a complimentary 1 on 1 consultation where we can discuss your desires for the space whether you want an indoor impactful plants or want to create an outdoor oasis full of colors .looking for pet friendly plants ? We’ll make sure to get the info we need to curate our design proposal to fit your needs .

Seasonal Planting 

From spring  to autumn 

Tree/Plant Care

 Transplanting, Deep Root Fertilizing ,Disease Detection 


Add a pleasant look to your yard with expert pruning from a small shrub to a full hedge, hand and machine pruning.

General maintenance 

Weekly maintenance, general garden care , planting , fertilizing  , weeding , make garden beds (turn soil over for a fresh look ) Deadheading as some flowers need to be deadheaded regularly to promote new growth and re-flowering, we keep an eye on trees and shrubs making sure they’re healthy because we know early disease detection can save them and save you from spending on new ones .